Published : 2019-06-15

Tomasz Nidecki w Wiedniu w latach 1828–1837 w świetle tamtejszej prasy

Piotr Szalsza


Tomasz Nidecki in Vienna between 1828 and 1837 in light of the Viennese press The pretext to writing this article was the discovery of a previously unpublished letter written by Johann Nepomuk Hummel in 1828 from Warsaw to an unknown addressee in Vienna regarding Tomasz Nidecki’s departure on a government grant. The letter is held in the Manuscripts Collections Department of the Austrian National Library. This article presents the results of analysis of the Austrian press and many other documents which enable us to reconstruct a detailed chronology of events linked to the life of Tomasz Nidecki, in particular his artistic work in Vienna, lasting for almost ten years. The author focusses primarily on Nidecki’s compositional work, describing, among other things, the circumstances surrounding the writing of a theatrical show featuring his music. There is also an account of Nidecki’s contacts in Vienna with Fryderyk Chopin, who also visited the city in the years 1829–1831.




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Citation rules

Szalsza, P. (2019). Tomasz Nidecki w Wiedniu w latach 1828–1837 w świetle tamtejszej prasy. Studia Chopinowskie, 3(1), 52–71.

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