Published : 2023-04-12

Karol Mikuli, uczeń Fryderyka Chopina i dyrektor konserwatorium we Lwowie. W 200. rocznicę urodzin pianisty i kompozytora (1821–2021)

Michał Piekarski


Karol Mikuli – a Student of Fryderyk Chopin and the Director of the Music Conservatory in Lviv. On the 200th Anniversary of Mikuli’s Birth (1821–2021) Karol Mikuli (1821–1897) grew up in Armenian family in Austria-Hungary. Like Chopin’s former teacher Józef Elsner, Mikuli was also Chopin’s colleague who abandoned medicine for music. In both cases it took place in Vienna. Soon in Paris, Mikuli found himself in the closest circle of Fryderyk Chopin, to became his student for at least three years (1844–1847). These experiences influenced Mikuli for the rest of his life. Thanks to him and his later students in Lviv (in Polish: Lwów, in German: Lemberg) the Chopin traditions were continued in the Polish lands divided at that time between Austria, Germany and Russia. In the years 1858–1887 Mikuli was a director of the Conservatory of the Galician Music Society in Lviv (Lwów), where in 1859 he founded the first piano class. In line with the wishes of his students, he introduced the Polish language (as a teaching language) to the conservatory in place of the previous German. As a piano teacher, Mikuli had more than 100 students (both in the conservatory and as a private teacher). In addition to the teaching, he organized concerts of the Galician Music Society in Lviv (Lwów). He was also a composer. His piano pieces (mazurkas and polonaises) show the influence of Chopin, but the chamber music and songs indicate the affinity with the European romantic era (of the German-speaking circle). Thanks to Mikuli’s activity, his former students organized in Lviv (Lwów) in 1910 the main Polish celebration on the 100th anniversary of Chopin’s birth.


Mikuli, Lviv/Lwów/Lemberg, Music Conservatory, Galician Music Society




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Piekarski, M. (2023). Karol Mikuli, uczeń Fryderyka Chopina i dyrektor konserwatorium we Lwowie. W 200. rocznicę urodzin pianisty i kompozytora (1821–2021) . Studia Chopinowskie, 8(2), 4–21.

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